Bengaluru: Bengaluru witnessed heavy rain on Sunday resulting in the death of a 22-year-old woman after her car got stuck in the KR underpass. The car in which she was traveling submerged in neck deep water. The victim was travelling from Vijayawada to the city along with her family members.
Due to heavy downpour in the city the underpass was inundated with rain water. The family members were rescued by the fire and emergency department personnel and taken to St Martha’s
Chief Minister Siddaramaiah visited the hospital and expressed his condolences for the death of Bhanurekha. He has ordered enquiry into the causes of death. He has instructed Bruhat Bengaluru Mahanagara Palike officials and the City Police Commissioner to take preventive measures to avoid such incidents. He has warned the officials that action will be initiated if there is any dereliction of duty while handling the situation caused by heavy rain in Bengaluru.