Lucknow: Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath has appealed to the people of state to remain cautious in the wake of heavy rain conditions. Chief Minister has directed all district magistrates and commissioners to intensify the rescue and relief operations and instructed them to take stock of the damages in fields due to rain.
Many parts of Uttar Pradesh are experiencing heavy rains for the last 36 hours. Normal life has been thrown out of gear due to incessant rain. Educational institutions in the state are closed for today and tomorrow. Road Rail and Air traffic are also affected due to heavy rain.
More than 40 districts including state capital Lucknow are witnessing torrential rain with gusty winds. People of Lucknow are experiencing the heaviest rain in recent years. Many parts of the city are
waterlogged and people residing in low lying areas are facing more difficulty. Rain water entered into houses in many areas and power supply disrupted badly.
District magistrate and police commissionerate of Lucknow have advised people to not to go outside unless it is very important. Streets and intersections are water logged and many under passes are submerged with rainwater.
Administration has issued helpline numbers for the people in distress due to heavy rain. This is the situation in many districts of the state and rain related accidents took many lives. JP Gupta the director of meteorological department in Lucknow said that the present condition will continue for next 2 days and some places can experience very heavy rain in the coming 24 hours.