In Himachal Pradesh, the premises of the Vidhan Sabha at Tapovan in Dharamshala have been connected with the e-Vidhan application NeVA yesterday. After connecting with NeVA, all the proceedings of the state assembly can be viewed from any corner of the country.
Chief Minister Sukhwinder Singh Sukhu yesterday inaugurated the e-Vidhan application NeVA on the first day of the winter session of Himachal Pradesh Vidhan Sabha in Dharamshala. On this occasion, the Chief Minister said that this project of Digital India has been approved only for Tapovan Vidhan Sabha, and the DPR for Shimla Vidhan Sabha is also prepared and is under consideration by the
Union Parliamentary Affairs Ministry.
On this occasion, Vidhan Sabha Speaker Kuldeep Singh Pathania said that the state assembly was the first assembly in the country to implement the e-Vidhan system in 2010. He said that now, after a decade, the NeVA system is being implemented with the help of the Centre, which will benefit the state. Leader of the Opposition Jairam Thakur thanked Prime Minister Narendra Modi for implementing the NeVA system and said that it is a reflection of the Prime Minister’s farsightedness. He hoped that the state would benefit from NeVA on the lines of e-Vidhan.