New Delhi: The Vishva Hindu Parishad (VHP) on Friday said any population control measure should be considered keeping in mind that the dominance of Hindus remains intact in the country. Addressing the media, VHP general secretary Milind Parande also said if there is just one child in a family, “the population of Hindus will be reduced by the Hindus themselves”.
“When we talk about population control, the dominance of the Hindu society must remain intact in the country. All the principles of politics, secularism and tolerance are being followed in the country because of the dominance of the Hindu population,” he said when askedabout the issue of population control.
Hence, whatever is required to ensure that Hindus remain in the
majority must be done, he added.
“The Hindu society must think that there should be at least two children in a family. If there will be just one child in a family, the population of Hindus will be reduced by the Hindus themselves,” Parande said.He was addressing the media ahead of a two-day meeting of the VHP’s governing council and board of trustees, scheduled to begin in Faridabadon Saturday.
Parande’s comments on the issue came after the VHP recently asked the Uttar Pradesh government to remove the one-child policy norm from its draft population control bill, saying it is likely to lead to furthering of the imbalance between different communities and contraction of the population as well.