Aligarh: Union Home Minister Amit Shah and Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath will participate in “Hindu Gaurav Diwas” to be organised in Aligarh today to mark the second death anniversary of former chief minister Kalyan Singh. Aligarh is the birthplace of Kalyan Singh, who passed away in 2021. Both Deputy Chief Ministers Keshav Prasad Maurya and Brajesh Pathak, BJP state president Bhupendra Singh Chaudhary and several central and state ministers will also attend the function and pay tributes to Kalyan Singh.
Union Home Minister Amit Shah
will address a public meeting on this occasion, where a gathering of over 50,000 people is expected. Public from five districts including Aligarh, Etah, Kasganj, Bulandshahr and Farrukhabad will participate in the event.
3000 security personnel have been deployed for the security of the program, including 10 additional SPs, 15 COs, 80 inspectors, 250 sub-inspectors, 1000 head constables and constables. Teams of 2 Company RAF, 4 Company PAC, LIU, Fire, Wireless, QRT have been deployed.