New Delhi: Union Home Minister Amit Shah chaired a high-level meeting to review the preparedness for Amarnath Yatra. The 62 day long Amarnath Yatra will commence on the 1st July and will culminate on the 31st of August this year. During the meeting yesterday, Mr Shah said, it is the priority of the Modi government that the Amarnath pilgrims should have comfortable darshan and do not face any difficulty.
He directed authorities to make adequate security arrangements on the entire route of Amarnath Yatra. The Home Minister stressed on providing smooth arrangements on the
route from the airport and railway station to the Yatra base camp. He also called for providing air service from Srinagar and Jammu at night for the convenience of the pilgrims.
During the meeting, it was apprised that all the pilgrims of Amarnath Yatra will be given Radio Frequency Identification cards so that their realtime location can be traced. Jammu and Kashmir Lieutenant Governor Manoj Sinha, Union Home Secretary Ajay Bhalla, Intelligence Bureau Chief Tapan Deka were among those who attended the meeting.