New Delhi: Home Minister Amit Shah yesterday launched the ‘Ayushmaan CAPF’ Scheme health cards at the national level in New Delhi. The Home Minister launched the scheme by handing over the Ayushmaan card to a personnel. He also handed over ‘Ayushmaan CAPF’ Scheme health cards to the Director General, National Security Guard, NSG for distribution to NSG personnel.
Speaking on this occasion, Mr Shah said, the CAPFs should take care of security of the country without any worries and Narendra Modi Government will take care of their families. He said, the scheme has been designed to cover all serving personnel and their dependents of the seven Central Armed Police Forces.
The process of distribution of health
cards across Central Armed Police Forces, CAPFs began on the auspicious occasion of Dhanvantri Pooja. The health card distribution will be undertaken in all CAPFs and the number of cards distributed will be displayed on the website of Home Ministry on a daily basis. The distribution of about 35 lakh cards will be completed by December this year.
The Home Minister had launched ‘Ayushmaan CAPF’ Scheme on pilot basis in the State of Assam on 23rd of January this year to provide health care services to all Central Armed Police Force (CAPFs) personnel and their dependents. The scheme is a joint initiative of the Home Ministry, Health Ministry and National Health Authority (NHA).