Home Minister Amit Shah yesterday assured the Lok Sabha that all perpetrators of the Delhi Violence will be brought to book and no one will be spared. Replying to a debate on the recent Law and Order situation in some parts of Delhi, Mr Shah said that Government has written to the Chief Justice of Delhi High Court and a High Court Judge will look into the claims.

The Home Minister also said that he felt pained as 52 Indians have been killed in the violence and 526 Indians have been injured, and the probe is taking place in a scientific manner. He also said that only those with strong evidence will be arrested, and no innocent will be harmed.

The Home Minister also said CCTV footages and thousands of videos sent by the common public are being analysed with the help of face identifying software.

He also said, Social Media was used to incite hate and 60 Accounts were created on the 22nd of February to instigate the violence and it went silent after 26th of February. He also said Police are probing the conspiracy angle of the violence and they have found some lead. 49 serious cases of crime are being

investigated by the Delhi Police Special Investigation Team. He said, 152 weapons were seized and 49 cases were lodged under the arms act.

He also said, the killers of the IB officer Ankit Sharma will be arrested and brought to justice. Mr Shah said, prima facie the Delhi riots were pre-planned conspiracy and the police have arrested 2 persons and detained one person who have funded the violence. He said 2467 people have been detained or arrested for violence in Delhi.

Meanwhile, Congress members staged a walked out expressing dissatisfaction on the reply by the Home Minister. Parliamentary Affairs minister Pralhad Joshi criticized the congress members and said that they did not allow the parliament for this discussion and were not prepared to listen to the reply of the Home Minister. He alleged that it shows their hypocrisy.

Union Minister Nitin Gadkari said the Congress members spoke whatever they wanted and when the Home Minister was replying they disrupted and staged a walkout. He said, it shows that they are demeaning the democratic spirit. 

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