Union Home Minister and senior BJP leader Amit Shah will address three rallies in Uttar Pradesh today. He will also pay obeisance at Shri Ram Janm Bhumi and Hanumangarhi in Ayodhya.
As per the press release from the BJP office, Amit Shah will reach Hanumangarhi at around 10.30 and at Shri Ram Janm Bhumi at 11 am in the morning. After darshan he will address a public gathering at government inter-college Ayodhaya.
In the afternoon, he will address another
gathering at Sant Kabeer Nagar. Senior BJP leader will lead a Roadshow from Kutub Khana area in Bareilly district at 3.30 in the afternoon and later in the evening address a gathering at Patel chauk area. Yesterday also Amit Shah addressed three rallies at Moradabad, Aligarh and Unnao districts.
Taking a dig at the opposition, he said that now in Uttar Pradesh No 'bahubalis' is seen under Yogi Government only Bajrang Bali is visible.