New Delhi: Union Home Minister Amit Shah will inaugurate the Vedic Heritage portal today with the twin agenda of helping researchers in deeper understanding of the Vedic knowledge tradition and help the common people to have a general understanding of the ancient scriptures.
The portal hosted by the Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts will be launched during the week-long IGNCA Foundation Day celebrations that began on Sunday.
Member Secretary, IGNCA, Dr Sachchidanand Joshi said this portal will not only help researchers to
develop a deeper understanding about our Vedic knowledge tradition, but also help common people to have a general understanding about the Vedas.
Vedas and Indian Knowledge system is not static but contemporary, Dr Joshi said. He also informed that IGNCA is working on a project “Vrihattar Bharat” wherein the cultural linkages of India with 40 other countries is being compiled.
Some of the countries of this project are SouthEast Asian Nations like Cambodia, Vietnam, Laos, Mongolia and others.