New Delhi: Home Minister Amit Shah chaired the third Apex Level meeting of Narco Coordination Centre (NCORD) at Vigyan Bhawan in New Delhi yesterday. During the meeting several key decisions were taken. Home Secretary Ajay Bhalla, Director Intelligence Bureau Arvind Kumar, Narcotics Control Bureau Chief SN Pradhan, Director General Border Security Force, Chief Secretaries and Directors General of Police of States, and administrators in Union Territories took part in the meeting.
Chairing the meeting, the Home Minister asked the States to constitute a dedicated Anti-Narcotics Task Force under the DGP to act as the Secretariat of the State NCORD. He also instructed for the formation of a central NCORD unit under NCB at the national level. Mr Shah also suggested to develop Narcotics training module at national level to train police, CAPF personnel, prosecutors and people from various civil
During the meeting, the decision was taken to create an effective mechanism to prevent the increasing use of Dark-net and Crypto-currency in the business of Narcotics. Besides, cultivation of illegal drugs will be prevented by the use of drones, satellites and other technology.
States were also suggested that chapters related to drug abuse and its ill-effects should be added in the school curriculum for which the Department of School Education, Bureau of Police Research and Development and Ministry of Social Welfare and Empowerment should prepare a roadmap.
Speaking on the occasion, the Home Minister said, the Narendra Modi government has adopted zero-tolerance policy against drugs. He said, the problem of drug addiction is also a big challenge to the national security, which can be tackled only with the coordination of all.