New Delhi: Union Home Minister Amit Shah on Wednesday distributed the appointment letters on regularisation of 4,400 employees of NDMC at Talkatora Stadium in New Delhi.
In February the Union Home Ministry had cleared the proposal of the regularisation of jobs of around 4,400 regular muster roll (RMR) employees of the New Delhi Municipal Council (NDMC).
Around 12000 employees are currently working in NDMC, out of which around (RMR) 4,500 employees are working at contractual positions.
Speaking at
the event the Union Home Minister said, these appointment letters bring new hope in the lives of people who are working in NDMC for the last 20 to 25 years.
He added that this is a happy moment for him as Divyangjans , SC, ST employees and oppressed people of the society today received the appointment letters.
Mr Shah added that this could be possible only because Prime Minister Narendra Modi"s in the last 9 years took various initiatives on the regularisation policy.