New Delhi: Union Home Minister Amit Shah will start the Amrit Kalash Yatra from New Delhi today under the Meri Mati-Mera Desh campaign. The campaign was announced on the 9th of August to honour country's martyred braveheart men and women. Amrit Kalash Yatra will be organised across the country, under which soil will be carried from all corners of the country in seven thousand 500 urns to create an Amrit Vatika in Delhi.
This Amrit Vatika will be built near the National War Memorial and will symbolize the
commitment to Ek Bharat Shreshtha Bharat.
In his Mann Ki Baat programme on Akashwani last month, Prime Minister Narendra Modi had said that in September, the campaign will be organised to collect soil from every house in every village of the country. He said, the holy soil of the country will be deposited in thousands of Amrit Kalash urns. At the end of October, people in thousands will reach the country's capital Delhi with the Amrit Kalash Yatra.