New Delhi: Union Home Minister Amit Shah yesterday launched CRCS-Sahara Refund Portal in New Delhi. The portal will help more than 10 crore depositors of Sahara Group claim their money back. Speaking after launching the portal, Union Minister Amit Shah said, the process of returning the money of depositors, which was stuck in four cooperative societies of Sahara Group, has started with the launch of the Sahara Refund Portal.
In the initial phase, the refund portal will disburse up to Rs 5000
crore to depositors. However, each depositor will be able to get only Rs 10,000 in the first phase. The entire process of refund will be online. According to Home Minister, there are 4 crore depositors who are eligible to get up to 10,000 rupees.
Mr Amit Shah said, once this initiative succeeds, further decisions to address claims of depositors, who have more money stuck in the Sahara Group’s cooperative societies, will be taken.