Hyderabad: Following a request from the Cyberabad Police, the Regional Transport Authority has suspended the driving license of Abhilash Peddakotla, a software employee and the suspect in the first mishap on the Biodiversity flyover, in which two youngsters lost their lives in November last.
The RTA suspended the license for one year.
On November 10 last year, Abhilash, a resident of Shanthi Nagar from Kukatpally, was driving his car with friends in an inebriated condition and hit two youngsters who had stopped to click selfies on the flyover. Both of them were flung off the flyover onto the road below and died on the spot. Abhilash’s car, without stopping, went on to hit two other motorcycles on the flyover, causing injuries to four others.
On checking Abhilash for drunk driving, the Blood Alcohol Content was found out to be 223mg/100ml,
whereas the legally permissible limit is only 30mg/100ml.
The Raidurgam police had then booked a case under sections of the Indian Penal Code and Motor Vehicle Act. He was subsequently arrested and remanded in judicial custody. It was after this that the Cyberabad Traffic Police sent a proposal to the RTA in Kukatpally seeking suspension of his driving license.
“The RTA responded to our request and suspended the driving license for a year till the end of 2020. A proposal will also be sent for permanent revocation of his driving license in due course,” said SM Vijay Kumar, DCP (Traffic), Cyberabad.
As per the directions of Supreme Court Committee on Road safety, the Driving License of the persons found driving any vehicle under the influence of alcohol will be seized by police and forwarded to RTA with proposal to take action as per the MV Act.