Shimla: Union Information and Broadcasting Minister Anurag Singh Thakur will arrive in Hamirpur district this morning as part of his two-day visit to Himachal Pradesh. During his stay, Mr Thakur will inaugurate various roads of Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana(PMGSY) in Hamirpur district. Union Information and Broadcasting minister is arriving at Hamirpur district around 11 am as a part of his two-day visit to Himachal Pradesh.
During his visit, the Union Minister will inaugurate various roads made under Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana at Majhog khas, Panjot and
Bharmoti of Sujanpur, Bhoranj and Nadun assembly constituencies in Hamirpur district. He will inaugurate a Blood Donation camp, Health Camp, felicitation ceremony and cleanliness drive at Sujanpur in Hamirpur district this morning.
The Union Minister will also launch the 25th Nand Ghar at Dadla in Sujapur, which provides service in the field of child malnutrition eradication, education, health care and women empowerment,. He will also participate in the Yuva Morcha Sammelan at Tauni Devi at Sujanpur in Hamirpur district tomorrow.