Information and Broadcasting Minister Ashwini Vaishnaw launched ‘Create in India Challenge-Season One’ in New Delhi last evening in the run-up to the World Audio Visual and Entertainment Summit. Speaking on the occasion, Mr Vaishnaw said that reflecting the evolution of Indian economy and the impact of technological advancements, 25 challenges have been launched. He said, the Media and Entertainment industry has also evolved, significantly boosting the creator economy. The Minister said, this creator economy was recognized by Prime Minister Narendra Modi who presented the first National Creator Awards.

He said, the World Audio Visual and Entertainment Summit WAVES is set to take place for the first time and the Ministry has received a lot of positive

feedback. Mr Vaishnaw said, considering this, Ministry is planning to organize it on a large scale. He said, in the near future, WAVES is poised to become a significant event, with these 25 challenges playing a crucial role in it. The Minister said, Government of India encourages the new creators economy as it can generate employment.

Speaking at the occasion Information and Broadcasting Secretary Sanjay Jaju mentioned that this initiative is a significant milestone in the ongoing mission to nurture and elevate India’s creative ecosystem. He said, it aligns seamlessly with the Prime Minister’s visionary call of ‘Design in India, Design for the World’ as articulated during the 78th Independence Day address.

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