Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) MP Arvind Dharmapuri has said the police should allow his party MLA Raja Singh for campaigning in Nizamabad if Asaduddin Owaisi can be granted the permission.
During the municipal election rally on Friday, Arvind spoke to Nizamabad Police Commissioner Karthikeya over the phone. "BJP MLA Raja Singh should be given the permission for campaigning. If Asaduddin Owaisi was given the permission, then why not to the BJP," he told the Police Commissioner.
"You take note of law and order situation when our MLA Singh comes out on the street but it is not noticed when Owaisi is here. Is Asaduddin Owaisi running the Police Department," he asked.
The leader also threatened the police, saying that the BJP's programme would be held and if the police want, they
can arrest them.
"We will conduct the programme here in Nizamabad. You should give permission or you give an official statement to shut the party here. BJP MLA Raja Singh and I will conduct the programme here.
If you want to arrest, then you arrest us." "You should give permission to the BJP as well or else we will see how far this issue goes. We are fighting against the TRS. Now, we will also fight against the Police Department," he added.
However, later Police Commissioner Karthikeya granted permission to Raja Singh to hold a rally. "We have considered and given permission to BJP MLA Raja Singh to conduct a rally here in Nizamabad on Saturday," the Police Commissioner told media.
The municipal elections are scheduled to be held on January 22 in Telangana.