The Meteorological Department has issued an alert in the wake of cyclone 'Biparjoy' weakening and entering Rajasthan on Friday night. According to the Meteorological Center Jaipur, the storm has now come under the cyclone category. Tonight it is expected to enter Rajasthan as a deep depression, which is likely to cause heavy rain with strong winds in many districts.
The Met Department has issued a red alert for heavy to very heavy rainfall with strong winds for Jalore and Barmer districts on Friday. Apart from this, an orange alert has been issued for Pali, Jodhpur and Sirohi districts. A red alert has been issued for extremely heavy rainfall accompanied by strong winds in Pali, Barmer, Sirohi
and Jalore districts on Saturday. Apart from this, an orange alert has been issued for six other districts.
After the warning of the Met Department, the state government has put the district administration on alert. SDRF teams have been deployed in many districts, while employees have also been ordered to remain at the headquarters.
The District Collectors have requested the citizens not to leave their homes unnecessarily for the next two days. The District Collector of Jodhpur has issued instructions to keep all educational and coaching institutions, gyms, tourist places and summer camps closed for Saturday.