President Ram Nath Kovind has said that India attaches the highest priority to its partnership with Myanmar. Receiving President of Myanmar U Win Myint at Rashtrapati Bhavan yesterday evening, Mr Kovind said, Myanmar stands at the confluence of India’s Neighbourhood First and Act East policy.
The President said, India-Myanmar partnership is at the heart of India’s vision to create a connected and cooperative neighbourhood. He said, a peaceful, united, federal, democratic and prosperous Myanmar is in India’s core national interest.
He added that India wishes to expand its partnership with Myanmar in key dimensions like energy, transportation, digital connectivity, tourism and heritage management. Mr Kovind said, India is ready to provide more assistance, including developing training centres and new socio-economic infrastructure in
rural areas.
The President said, India appreciates Myanmar’s assurances that Myanmar would not allow groups that are inimical to India’s interests to operate from its territory. He said, India also appreciates the enhanced coordination and cooperation from the Myanmar Army in maintaining the security of the borders.
Mr Kovind also hosted a banquet in the honour of the President of Myanmar. In his banquet speech, President Kovind said that to foster sustainable peace, India and Myanmar must ensure a peace dividend through prosperity.
He said, connectivity is already expanding, through the building of roads, use of waterways, upgradation of ports and increase of bilateral air services. Mr Kovind said, there is a need to widen such connectivity to include energy as well.