New Delhi: The India Meteorological Department (IMD) has reported that the country received 10 per cent less rainfall last month compared to its Long Period Average (LPA) of 1971-2020. The total rainfall during the period was recorded at 148.6 millimeters (mm) as compared to its LPA of 165.3 mm.
The weather agency revealed that southern peninsular India experienced its warmest June since 1901, with an average maximum temperature of 34.05 degrees Celsius. The rainfall over the
homogeneous region of south peninsular India was also the lowest since 1901. In its monthly climate summary, the IMD noted that the maximum temperature was above normal by 4.4 degrees Celsius in several regions, including East and Northeast India, South Peninsular India, and parts of Northwest and Central India.
The eastern parts of the country was worst affected in June, as significantly higher than the normal heat wave days observed over the region.