Prime Minister Narendra Modi today said that “India First” has become the mantra of the country’s foreign policy, and now, New Delhi is not just participating in the world order but also contributing to shaping and securing the future. Mr. Modi was addressing an event organized by a private TV channel in New Delhi yesterday. He said that earlier, India’s foreign policy was to maintain distance from everyone, but now it is to work together with everyone.
The Prime Minister said that India has prioritized humanity over monopoly and paved the way for the creation of a global institution of the 21st century, ensuring equal participation. He added that now India is not just a nation of dreams, but also a nation that delivers. Quoting data from the International Monetary Fund, he added that the world has its eyes on India, as the country is the only major economy in the world to have doubled its GDP in just 10 years, and 25 crore people in India have come out of poverty.
The Prime Minister said that India’s youth is becoming skilled and driving innovation forward. He also mentioned that the world must unite to address global challenges, one of which is the issue of energy resources. He highlighted the importance of the International Solar Alliance and said that it was established to tackle the energy crisis and ensure that even
smaller nations can benefit from sustainable energy. Mr. Modi observed that this initiative will have a positive impact on climate change and help secure the needs of countries in the Global South. Mr. Modi also noted that over 100 countries have already joined this effort.
Talking about the global challenges of trade imbalances and logistics issues, Mr. Modi highlighted India’s collaborative efforts with the world to launch new initiatives, including the India-Middle East-Europe Economic Corridor. He remarked that this project will connect Asia, Europe, and the Middle East through commerce and connectivity, boosting economic opportunities and providing alternative trade routes.
He underscored that this initiative will strengthen the global supply chain. Remarking on the transformation witnessed in India’s banking infrastructure, Prime Minister Modi noted that online banking has reached every household, and today, there is a banking touchpoint within every five-kilometer radius in the country. He stated that the government has not only expanded banking infrastructure but also strengthened the banking system. Mr. Modi highlighted that banks’ Non-Performing Assets (NPA) have significantly reduced, and their profits have reached a record high of one lakh forty thousand crore rupees.