Union Minister of Earth Sciences Kiren Rijiju yesterday said that India will soon acquire its fastest Supercomputer worth nine hundred crore rupees and it is expected to start functioning by March next year. He said, with its acquisition India will acquire the weather monitoring mechanism with the highest resolution of probabilistic forecast.
Mr. Rijiju was addressing the media during his visit to the National Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasting (NCMRWF) in NOIDA, Uttar Pradesh.
Mr. Rijiju stressed that the new computer can improve forecasting from
twelve to six kilometers. He added that compared to the Cray XC-40 supercomputer ‘Mihir’, India’s fastest supercomputer at present, the new supercomputer will have nearly thrice the capability. The Minister said that India’s weather forecasting capability is improving day by day.
Mr. Rijiju said that under Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s leadership, India has made significant advances in the application of Science and Technology. He added that India is also extending weather forecasts to countries in the neighbourhood and beyond.