Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Wednesday inaugurated redeveloped IECC Complex (Bharat Mandapam) in Pragati Maidan, Delhi. While addressing the inauguration event, the PM slammed people who put hurdles in the way of redevelopment works at the India Trade Promotion Organization (ITPO) complex, saying there were no lack of negative-minded people whose job is to create obstructions. The prime minister claimed that in his third term, India will be among the top three economies in the world.
His 'third-term' comment expressed his confidence to retain power after the next General Elections slated to take place in
He said he faced criticism even for building 'Kartavyapath' but later those critics silently admired the construction work done at the premises of the India Gate, New Delhi.
The world's largest museum will be constructed in Delhi, announced PM Modi.
Earlier in the morning PM Modi performed "pooja" at the redeveloped ITPO complex and he also interacted with the workers who were involved in the construction of the complex and felicitated them.
The revamped International Exhibition-cum-Convention Centre (IECC) complex was officially inaugurated by the prime minister, who will also address the gathering.