Indian Railways has delivered nearly 6260 tonnes of Liquid Medical Oxygen to various states across the country. The Railway Ministry said, one hundred Oxygen Expresses have completed their journey so far and brought relief to various states. The Ministry said, Railways is continuing its journey of bringing relief by delivering liquid medical oxygen to various states across the country. Oxygen expresses delivered nearly 800 tonnes of Liquid Medical Oxygen
the nation yesterday. The Ministry said, first Oxygen Express to Uttarakhand had reached last night with 120 tonnes of Oxygen from Tatanagar in Jharkhand.
The Ministry said, Railways has so far delivered 407 tonnes of Liquid Medical Oxygen to Maharashtra, 1680 tonnes to Uttar Pradesh, 360 tonnes to Madhya Pradesh, 2404 tonnes to Delhi, 939 tonnes to Haryana, 123 tonnes to Telengana, 120 tonnes to Karnataka and 40 tonnes to Rajasthan.