Indian Railways has geared up its entire machinery in a big way to ensure minimal damage to railway assets in the areas affected by Cyclone Biparjoy. Railway Board officials are monitoring the real-time situation round the clock through War Room.
The affected Railway Zones - Western Railway and North Western Railway - have activated emergency control rooms at a zonal level as well as at the division level to handle the challenge effectively. General Managers of these zones have been personally monitoring and supervising all arrangements.
Regular flow of information to the public, additional inquiry counters, additional refund counters, emergency medical facilities, and
facilities for food and water are among the steps taken for the convenience of the passengers. The Public Relations Departments of the affected zone are working almost round the clock to disseminate information through media.
Eight companies of RPF Coys consisting of 612 RPF personnel have been dispersed to vulnerable locations in the section, in addition to the 958 RPF staff already available at 26 stations.
The companies have been given inflatable tubes, Gumboots, Ropes, Searchlights, Raincoats, Luminous Jackets, and Life Jackets. Twenty-eight swimmers and 32 staff trained in First Aid have been deployed at vulnerable locations.