Indian Railways has made robust arrangements to cater to the large rush of devotees and pilgrims who want to attend Mahakumbh at Prayagraj on the occasion of Mauni Amavasya on the 29th of this month. Railways will run over 150 special trains on the day of Mauni Amavasya from various railway stations in the Prayagraj region to facilitate devotees and pilgrims to reach their destinations.
The government has estimated that around eight to 10 crore devotees are expected to attend the Mahakumbh to take a holy dip on the occasion of Mauni Amavasya. Chief
Public Relations Officer, of North Central Railway, Shashikant Tripathi said that Railways has planned to operate a total of over 400 Mela specials trains, including peak periods of Mauni Amavasya.
He also appealed to the passengers to board the trains from their defined railway stations. Mr. Tripathi further added that teams of the Medical, Railway Protection Force, and Commercial Department of Railways are moving forward in a planned manner to extend the facilities required for the passengers.