Tamil Nadu Chief Minister MK Stalin, in presence of other political and cultural dignitaries including DMK MP Kanimozhi and Deputy Chief Minister Udhayanidhi Stalin, unveiled India's first-ever glass bridge.
Located in Kanniyakumari, this major architectural marvel, connects two iconic landmarks, the Vivekananda Rock Memorial and the 133-foot Thiruvalluvar statue. The bridge, part of a Rs 37-crore initiative by the Tamil Nadu government, inaugurated on Monday evening, adds to the
region’s tourism infrastructure, promising improved visual and travel experience for visitors.
The construction of the bridge was undertaken to enhance Kanniyakumari’s appeal as a premier tourist destination. The inauguration coincided with the silver jubilee of the Thiruvalluvar statue’s unveiling by former Chief Minister M Karunanidhi.
The glass bridge is expected to become a landmark attraction in Kanniyakumari, drawing both domestic and international tourists.