India’s largest multi-model logistic park will come up at Virochan Nagar near Sanand in Ahmedabad district of Gujarat. A Memorandum of Understanding-MoU was signed yesterday between the Gujarat Government and Adani Port and SEZ Ltd. in the presence of Chief Minister Vijay Rupani in Gandhinagar. The MoU was signed by Additional Chief Secretary M.K. Das and Karan Gautam Adani of Adani Ports and SEZ Ltd.
According to the details shared by the State Government, the proposed 1,450-acre park will also have a dedicated air cargo complex with 4.6-kilometre long runway to handle even large sized cargo
aircraft. It will provide direct air, rail and road connectivity. The park will have provision of direct rail connectivity with a dedicated freight corridor which is part of the Delhi-Mumbai industrial corridor.
The multi-model logistic park will be set up with an estimated investment of Rs 50,000 crore. It will have potential to generate direct and indirect employment for 25,000 persons. The project will be completed in phased manner in next three years. Works on this project will be started within six months after various clearances and permissions.