India’s tiger population is estimated to be 3 thousand 925 with an annual growth rate of 6.1%per annum. This was revealed in a report released by Minister of State for Environment, Forest and Climate Change Ashwini Kumar on the occasion of Global Tiger Day yesterday. Last year during the celebration of 50 years of the Project Tiger at Mysuru,
Prime Minister Narendra Modi had declared the minimum tiger population of 3 thousand 167, which is the population estimated from the camera-trapped area. Ministry
of Environment, Forest and Climate Change said that now the further analysis of data done by the Wildlife Institute of India, from both camera-trapped and non-camera-trapped tiger presence areas, suggested that the upper limit of the tiger population is estimated to be 3,925 and the average number is 3,682 tigers, reflecting a commendable annual growth rate of 6.1 percent perannum
India currently harbors almost 75 percent of the world’s wild tiger population.