A 19-year-old girl from Surat, Gujarat named Maitri Patel is currently making headlines for becoming one of the youngest commercial pilots in India. The proud moment of the story is that Maitri is the daughter of a farmer who completed her pilot training program from the United States and underwent the 18-month course in 11 months.
During an interview with India Today, Maitri said that she was only 8 years old when she saw an airplane for the very first time and that was the moment she decided that she wanted to become a pilot.
After completing her training in the US, her parents, and family gave her a warm and grand welcome to India at the airport. Maitri's father, a farmer named Kantilal Patel, always wanted his daughter to fulfill her dream, travel the world, and fly a plane. He also used to watch the airplanes fly as he transported passengers for a living.
Kantilal Patel
also made sure to admit his daughter to private school. He also sold a piece of his ancestral land, to enroll his daughter in a flight training course.
Maitri's father is a farmer in the Olpad area and her mother works at Surat Municipal Corporation's health department. Now that she has achieved the dream of becoming a pilot, Maitri now wants to fly a Boeing aircraft for which she will begin her training soon.
Recently, the Chief Minister of Gujarat, Vijay Ramniklal Rupani met Maitri Patel and also congratulated her on becoming the youngest female commercial pilot.
The CMO tweeted about the same and said, "CM Shri @vijayrupanibjp today met 19-year-old Maitri Patel, a farmer's daughter from Olpad, Surat, and congratulated her on becoming the youngest female commercial pilot after receiving vocational training in the US and also wished this pride of Gujarat a sky-touching career."