In a startling turn of events on Sunday, a youth threw ink at Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) candidate Dara Singh Chauhan when he was campaigning for a by-election in the Ghosi assembly seat in the Adari area of Mau district in Uttar Pradesh. The video of the incident also appeared on social media.
This incident occurred while the BJP leader was engaged in his campaign near the Adri village within the Thana Sarai Lakhanshi area of the district on Sunday afternoon. After Chauhan got down from the car, some BJP workers were welcoming him and suddenly an unidentified individual hurled a bottle of ink at him. The ink splashed onto Chauhan's face, briefly blinding him and creating chaos in the surroundings.
It can be seen in the video that as soon as Dara gets down from
his car, ink is suddenly thrown at him. The bystanders are left bewildered by the sudden incident. Subsequently, Chauhan's security team quickly acted to ensure his safety and attempted to apprehend the person responsible for the ink attack.
Additional Superintendent of Police Mahesh Singh Atri said the accused has been identified as Monu Yadav. He said the incident occurred when Chauhan was being welcomed by party supporters at Adri Chatti after he attended a public meeting at a college located in Kopaganj block.
As per reports, the youth who threw black ink on the BJP leader, fled from the spot. Dara Singh Chauhan was accompanied by his supporters and also his security but nobody was able to avert the incident. There was chaos after the incident took place.