Mumbai: Bollywood actor Jacqueline Fernandez was stopped at Mumbai airport on Sunday by immigration officials. Jacqueline, who had to go to Dubai for a show was stopped from leaving India in connection with Rs 200 crore extortion case which is being investigated by ED. As per the ED sources, the actor will now be brought to Delhi for questioning.
For the unversed, the case is based on the FIR of Delhi police’s economic offenses wing against Sukesh Chandrasekar and others over alleged criminal conspiracy, cheating, and extortion of about Rs 200 crore. He has also been accused of extorting Rs 200 crores from the wife of a former Ranbaxy promoter claiming that he would get her husband out of
Jacqueline has also been summoned multiple times by the ED in connection with the case. Last she appeared before the agency was on October 20. As per the reports, the agency wanted to confront her with the main accused Sukesh, and his wife Leena Maria Paul, and record the actor’s statement again.
Earlier, reports of Jacqueline and conman Sukesh dating also surfaced. Reportedly, the conman used to call Jacqueline from inside the prison and used to send her expensive gifts. Apart from this, it was also reported that Sukesh had hidden his real identity from Jacqueline and was impersonating a big personality while talking to her. However, the Bollywood actor denied the dating reports.