Vijayawada: Chief Minister Y.S. Jagan Mohan Reddy would deposit Rs 1,078.36 crore as second installment under the YSR Rythu Bharosa-PM Kisan programme for the fifth consecutive year, to benefit 53.58 lakh farmers, at a programme in Tadepalli on Wednesday. For the fifth year in a row and third tranche of the present year, Rs 1,078.36 crore would be disbursed as assistance at the rate of Rs 2,000 for each farmer. This would benefit 53.58 lakh farmers across AP.

Including today's assistance, a total of Rs 67,500 has been credited into each farmer’s account in these 57 months under 'Rythu Bharosa - PM KISAN' assistance alone. This was Rs 17,500 more than the Rs 50,000 that was promised in the 2019 YSRC manifesto. With the assistance of Rs 1,078.36 crore being provided today, the total assistance provided to farmers under the YSR Rythu Bharosa - PM Kisan scheme alone in the last 57 months was Rs 34,288 crore.

Agriculture minister Kakani Govardhan Reddy said this was the only state government that provided a financial assistance to all farmers, including tenant farmers, SC,

ST, BC, minority farmers, RoFR (forest) and Endowment lands. Under the YSR Rythu Bharosa scheme, each farmer family in AP receives an annual financial assistance of Rs 13,500. The CM is offering more than the assistance promised to farmers in the YSRC manifesto, which was Rs 12,500 each for four years, meaning a total of Rs 50,000. The assistance provided to farmers was Rs 13,500 each for five years, meaning a total of Rs 67,500 to each farmer, he said.

Minister Govardhan Reddy said that for the fourth year in a row, Jagan Mohan Reddy would also credit, on Wednesday, an interest subvention of Rs 215.98 crore directly into the bank accounts of 10,78,615 farmers, who had taken crop loans and repaid it on time during the Rabi 2021-22 and Kharif 2022. He said the YSRC government has so far disbursed Rs 2,050.53 crore to 84.66 lakh farmers as interest subvention under YSR Sunna Vaddi Panta Runalu, including the arrears kept pending from 2014-15 to 2018-19, and the interest subvention of Rs 215.98 crore being given on Wednesday.

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