Amaravati: Chief Minister YS Jagan Mohan Reddy will launch the Jagananna Suraksha program on June 23. The program will run for a month, from June 23 to July 23.
Jagananna Suraksha is a complementary program to Jaganannaku Chebudam, which is a program that addresses the grievances of the people. UnderJagananna Suraksha, volunteers, Gruhasaradhulu, and secretariat staff willvisit every household in the state to find any unresolved issues. These issues will then be rectified by official teams at the mandal and municipal levels.
In addition, government teams, such as district collectors, will visit communities every week to address any concerns that have not been
The Jagananna Suraksha program is part of the YSRCP’s efforts to ensure that the people of Andhra Pradesh have access to all the benefits of the government’s welfare schemes.
The Chief Minister has instructed party cadres to be well prepared to enlist the help of the beneficiaries in the Jagananna Surakshaprogram. He has also said that the program will be followed by the “Why AP
Needs Jagan” program, which will inform the public of the revolutionary changes that have occurred over the last four years and the need for the YSRCP to remain in power in order to maintain the reforms.