Jaipur: In a tragic incident, a youth died in Jaipur district of Rajasthan after his Bluetooth headphone device exploded. A doctor said that it appears the youth suffered cardiac arrest after the wireless gadget exploded.
The deceased youth was identified as Rakesh Nagar, a resident of Udaipuria village in Chaumu area of Jaipur. He was speaking with somebody on the phone using his Bluetooth earphones. Suddenly, the wireless device exploded,
leaving Rakesh unconscious. Both ears of the youth had sustained injuries in the explosion. He was dashed to Siddhivinayak Hospital, where he succumbed during treatment.
Dr LN Rundla stated the youth collapsed after his Bluetooth earphone device exploded. The youth died during treatment at the hospital, the doctor stated. "Probably this is the first such case in the country... The young man died possibly due to cardiac arrest," the doctor said.