New Delhi: Hearing the bail plea of Bhim Army chief Chandrashekhar Azad aka Ravan, who was arrested for protesting against the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) at Jama Masjid, a session court here on Tuesday reprimanded Delhi Police and asked ‘what is wrong in protesting at the Mosque?’.
“Jama Masjid is not in Pakistan, where we are not allowed to protest. Peaceful protests take place in Pakistan as well. Pakistan was a part of undivided India”, Tis Hazari Sessions Judge Kamini Lau told the public prosecutor.
When the prosecutor pointed out that one need to take permission to protest, the judge cited the Supreme Court’s recent observation on the use of Section 144 in Kashmir after revocation of Article 370. “What permission? The Supreme Court has said repeated use of Section 144 is an abuse,” she
Lau further called Azad a ‘budding politician’ who had the right to protest. “Which law mentions that there is a prohibition on protest in front of any religious place?” she asked.
The Bhim Army chief was sent to judicial custody on December 21 by a Delhi court. Azad’s outfit had organised a march from Jama Masjid to Jantar Mantar against the amended Citizenship Act on December 20, without police permission.
Last week, the Delhi court had pulled up Tihar jail authorities for acting in a “callous manner” by flouting laws that safeguard a prisoner’s right and asked them to provide treatment to Azad. Chief Metropolitan Magistrate Arul Verma had directed the jail authorities to ensure that Azad is treated for polycythemia, a disorder of blood thickness, and taken to AIIMS, Delhi.