In Madhya Pradesh, Janata Curfew has been extended till May 15. Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan while addressing people of state virtually yesterday requested to halt all activities, defer weddings till May 15. He stressed upon the need for strict adherence to Janata curfew. Chief Minister urged to stop the work of MNREGA in the villages where there is a single corona patient.
Chief Minister said that the government will provide free treatment for corona immediately to the poor, common people and middle-class people as well. The package is being announced under the Ayushman Bharat Yojana. The government will contract with private hospitals.
CT scan, tests etc. will also be free of charge.
Chief Minister Mr Chouhan said that the government is providing free ration to every poor. Every poor is being given 10 kg of free ration. There is no need to give eligibility slip, thumb impression, Aadhaar number etc. for this. An amount of one thousand rupees is being given to rural and urban street vendors.
Chief Minister Mr Chouhan said that Madhya Pradesh was seventh in the country in the Corona infection, now it has come to the fourteenth position. The state's weekly positivity rate is 19.8%, while the recovery rate has improved to 85.13%.