Jharkhand Chief Minister Hemant Soren distributed portfolios among the new ministers, keeping key departments such as Home, Personnel, Administrative Reforms, Road Construction, Building Construction, and those departments yet to be distributed. Radhakrishna Kishore, the Congress quota minister, got the Finance, Commercial Tax, Planning and Development, and Parliamentary Affairs departments. Jharkhand Mukti Morcha (JMM) quota minister Deepak Biruwa was allotted the departments of Revenue, Registration and Land Reforms
(non-registration), and Transport, the notification said. RJD’s Sanjay Prasad Yadav was given the departments of Industries, Labour, Planning, and Training and Skill Development. Irfan Ansari of the Congress got Health, Medical Education and Family Welfare, besides Food, Public Distribution, and Consumer Affairs.
A total of eleven ministers were inducted into Hemant Soren’s cabinet, comprising six from JMM, four from Congress, and one from RJD.