Jammu & Kashmir got its first real-time air-quality monitoring station with the inauguration of first ever Continuous Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Station (CAAQMS) at J&K Pollution Control Committee headquarters by Chairman Suresh Chugh at Rajbagh in Srinagar yesterday.
Terming it as a major achievement of J&K PCC, the Chairman thanked all the officers and the entire team for putting in their best efforts in successful installation and commissioning of the Station which saw many
hiccups and delays due to Covid19 pandemic.
The CAAQMS, which was put on trial run for two months before its inauguration, is a highly sophisticated equipment that gives real time air quality data of a particular area especially the key parameters like PM10, PM 2.5, NOX, SOX, Ozone which determine the air quality of that area. The installation of CAAQMS has been mandated in all the non-attainment cities across India including Jammu and Srinagar.