Jammu and Kashmir Lieutenant Governor, Girish Chandra Murmu has directed the officers to rationalize the distribution of food grains across the Union Territory under various programmes and schemes. He also directed for the speeding up of Aadhar seeding of the ration-cards.
The LG was reviewing the functioning of Food, Civil Supplies and Consumer Affairs (FCS & CA) department in a meeting in Jammu last evening. The LG sought a comprehensive report regarding the allocation of food-grains, dumping of stocks in
snow bound areas, departmental and FCI godowns and their storage capacity.
Mr Murmu also asked the officers to work out effective mechanism for supply and distribution of LPG and open up more stores to ensure that the sufficient supply of LPG Cylinders and other essential commodities reaches the population living in far-off and difficult areas of the Union Territory. He was informed that 10.63 lakh families have been covered under Pradhan Mantri Ujjwala Yojana.