Jammu and Kashmir police has established 19 specialized counter-terror units across the eight districts of the Jammu province. The move comes amid mounting terror attacks being witnessed in the otherwise calm region of Jammu. These units will be equipped with the latest resources and training. It will significantly reduce the militant activities in the Jammu region. Each of these units will be headed by a Deputy Superintendent of Police and will be stationed permanently in the designated districts.
These units will be responsible for conducting counter-terrorism operations while simultaneously handling
routine law and order matters. The districts identified for these specialized units are Udhampur, Kathua, Reasi, Doda, Kishtwar, Ramban, Rajouri and Poonch. Specific police stations and posts within these districts have been assigned to each unit for effective coverage. The focus of these units will particularly be on the Pir Panjal region and the Chenab Valley.
These hinterland regions have seen a rise in terror incidents in recent months, said the officials. These units of police would be coordinating with other security agencies to achieve the task.