Ayodhya: Chief Ministers of BJP-ruled states yesterday visited the holy city of Ayodhya and paid obeisance to the Ram Lalla at Shri Ram Janm Bhumi. BJP national president JP Nadda accompanied them. After Darshan of Ramlala, Mr. Nadda said that BJP is inspired by nationalism, and Kashi Mathura and Ayodhya are centers of belief for not just the party but also for the crores of Hindus of the country.
Nine Chief
Ministers of BJP ruled states along with deputy Chief Ministers reached Ayodhya yesterday. They went to Saryu Ghat and performed Jalabhishek, Dugdhabhishek, and Aarti at the ghats. In the afternoon, all dignitaries visited Shri Ram Janmabhoomi for the darshan of Ramlala. They were also briefed about the of construction work of Ramlala temple by the members of Shri Ram Janm Bhumi Teerth Kshetra Trust.