In Tripura, Justice Indrajit Mohanty has been sworn in as the new Chief Justice of the Tripura High Court at Raj Bhavan in Agartala yesterday. Governor of Tripura, Satyadev Narayan Arya administered the oath of office in the ceremony.
Chief Minister Biplab Kumar Deb, his cabinet colleagues, MoS Social Justice and Empowerment Pratima Bhowmik, senior advocates, members of the Tripura High Court Bar
Association, and other senior officials of the state administration were also present on the occasion.
It may be mentioned that Justice Indrajit Mohanty was the judge of the Rajasthan High Court before his appointment as the Chief Justice of the Tripura High Court.
Justice Indrajit Mohanty has succeeded Justice Akil Kureshi as the 6th Chief Justice of the Tripura High Court.