New Delhi: Rajasthan Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot on Tuesday accused Jyotiraditya Scindia of betraying the trust of people and ideology, saying people like him cannot thrive without power and the sooner they leave the better it is.
Hitting out at Scindia soon after he resigned from the Congress, Gehlot said joining hands with the BJP at the time of national crisis spoke volumes about his self-indulgent political ambitions.
"Mr Scindia has betrayed the trust of people as well as the
ideology. Such people prove that they can't thrive without power. Sooner they leave the better," he said on Twitter.
"Joining hands with the BJP in a time of national crisis speaks volumes about a leader's self-indulgent political ambitions, especially when the BJP is ruining the economy, democratic institutions, social fabric and as well the judiciary," he said.
Gehlot landed in Delhi on Monday night to make last-minute efforts to save the Madhya Pradesh government of the Congress.