Raipur: Religious leader Kalicharan Maharaj, who was arrested on Thursday and charged with sedition for allegedly abusing Mahatma Gandhi, has been sent to police remand for two days by a court. The self-proclaimed godman was arrested from Madhya Pradesh by the Chhattisgarh police in the early hours of Thursday. He was later brought to Raipur, and presented at a local court.
Kalicharan had used abusive language against Mahatma Gandhi while praising his assassin Nathuram
Godse at a religious event — “Dharma Sansad”, on December 25-26, in Raipur. He made the derogatory remarks against Mahatma Gandhi at the event in which leaders of both the Congress and the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) were invited.
Kalicharan’s remarks against the Father of the Nation had irked Chhattisgarh’s ruling Congress party, and Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel instructed the police team to arrest the godman.