Bengaluru: Karnataka Chief Minister Basavaraj S Bommai has announced the formation of a Committee to work out a strategy to double the farmers’ income.
He was speaking to the media in Bengaluru yesterday after a meeting with Ashok Dalwai, the CEO of Rainfed Area Authority who heads the national Committee on doubling farmers’ income.
The Chief Minister said that a strategy will be worked out to double the farmers’ income based on the road map laid down by the Committee on doubling farmers’ Income.
A committee will be formed headed by state Agriculture minister B C Patil that will work out the
strategy to double farmers’ income. It will suggest ways and means to make seeds, fertilisers and pesticides easily available to the farmers. The Committee will work out a strategy based on climatic conditions, agricultural practices and land holding patterns of the farmers.
A Secondary Agriculture Directorate will be established that will work towards integrating farming, horticulture, dairy, animal husbandry, cottage industries and food processing so that multiple means of generating income could be worked out for the farmers. Agriculture Universities will be involved in finding remedies for farmers’ problems.