Karnataka Chief Minister B S Yediyurappa has announced night Corona curfew from April 10th to 20th in Bengaluru, Mysuru, Mangaluru, Kalaburgi, Bidar, Tumkuru and Udupi where there is a spike in Covid cases.
Addressing media persons after the video conference with the Prime Minister, the Chief Minister announced that the night curfew will be from 10 pm to 5 am allowing only essential services to function. The prohibition on fairs and other religious and social gatherings will continue.
The Chief Minister informed that Vaccination drive and testing will be intensified in these marked districts. He informed that 6000 Vaccination Centers are working daily in Government and Private sectors which have vaccinated over 53 lakh
people above the age of 45 years, covering 22.31 percent of the target population.
On testing he informed that on an average 1.20 lakh people are tested for Covid every day and 95 percent are RT PCR tests. He said that the state has over 42000 general beds, 30,000 oxygenated beds, 3000 ICUs and 2900 beds with Ventilators in general hospitals. During the video conference with the Prime Minister, the state has sought PM-CARES funds to procure oxygen generators.
The Health minister Dr. K Sudhakar has informed that the state has 25 to 30 lakh dosage of Covid vaccine and Centre has assured to provide another 25 lakh additional dosages and hence there is no shortage of vaccine in the state.