Karnataka Chief Minister Basavaraj Bommai has informed that a sum of 660 crore rupees will be released to take up relief measures in areas hit by incessant rain and floods recently in the state. Speaking to media persons after holding a meeting with Secretaries from various departments, the Chief Minister said that the Public Works department will be provided 510 crore rupees to take up restoration work.
Apart from that another 150 crore rupees will be released from NDRF funds to take up restoration of public property immediately. He said that 446 villages in 13 districts were affected due to rain and flood, leading to the deaths of 13
persons and one missing. He said, water has still not receded from many agriculture fields and rural areas.
The Chief Minister said, officials have been asked to complete the survey of crops, houses, bridges, and roads damaged by rain. He added that the Union Home Minister was requested by him to send a Central team to assess the damages due to rain.
Those who lost houses completely in the calamity, will be compensated with five lakh rupees, those with partial damage will get three lakh rupees and minor damaged houses will get 50,000 rupees compensation.