The Basavaraj Bommai Government in Karnataka has cancelled its first anniversary celebrations to be held in Doddaballapur today. In a midnight press briefing Chief Minister Basavaraj Bommai announced that the first anniversary celebration of his Government and three years of BJP rule celebration in Karnataka is cancelled in the background of murder of BJP youth wing worker Praveen Nettaru in Dakshina Kannada.
BJP National President J P Nadda was scheduled to take part in the event. Assuring stringent action
against the perpitrators of the crime, the Chief Minister said an anti terrorist Commando force with intelligence support will be created in the state to act against such heinous crimes.
The BJP Yuva Morcha worker Praveen was hacked to death by two bike borne attackers in Bellare village under Sullia taluk of Dakshina Kannada district on Tuesday night. Folliwing the incident the BJP yuva morcha workers had held protests across the state yesterday.